ROI Calculator

Estimate the projected R.O.I. of your (future) Loyalty and Referral Program.

Answer 10 questions to better know your business.
Then receive your detailed forecast by e-mail.

In only 5 minutes, you'll know :


Forecast incremental sales over the next 12 months.


Your program's total net profit by deducting all costs.


The overall annual ROI of your (future) loyalty program

Check out our content in the meantime:

24 Must-Have for a Flawless Customer Experience in 2025

A seamless, engaging, and rewarding CX can turn casual shoppers into loyal brand advocates.

But crafting an exceptional CX isn’t something you leave to chance. It takes strategy, creativity, and a deep understanding of what your audience really wants.

Download the e-book

The ultimate guide to referral programs

A referral program is one of the smartest ways to bring in quality leads and keep loyal fans coming back.

But here’s the catch: setting it up isn’t as easy as it sounds. You’ll need the right rewards, solid promotion, and a strategy to avoid common pitfalls.

Download the e-book

10 WhatsApp & SMS templates to boost customer retention

Still under-exploited, SMS and WhatsApp are full of potential for creating hyper-personalized links with your customers. With record opening rates, it's time to exploit them to boost your retention.

But how do you integrate them into your CRM strategy?

Download the e-book

[Étude] Les Français et la Fidélité en 2025

Qu’est-ce qui attire les consommateurs français ? Et surtout qu’est-ce ce qui les fait (vraiment) rester fidèle à une marque ?

Nous avons mené l’enquête auprès de 1 016 Français âgés de 18 à 55 ans.

Download the e-book

Loyalty Program Inspiration Center

We've compiled the best of our +200 customers' loyalty programs, in an easy-to-read Notion doc you should keep close to you.

You'll find concrete examples of loyalty pages, missions, VIP Tiers, referral offers, rewards, and much more...

Download the e-book

The ultimate guide to loyalty programs

How do you create a program that differentiates you and earns you money? What rewards should you offer? How do you encourage your customers to get involved?

Get +30 free pages of concrete advice, never-before-seen tips, strategies that work.

Download the e-book