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How Si Si La Paillette leveraged its fanbase to carry out over 5.300 missions in 1 year!

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User Generated Content


Missions done


At Si Si La Paillette, they think life is more beautiful with glitter! The problem is that glitter is extremely bad for the environment. So they created the first French brand of biodegradable glitter made from plants. Si Si La Paillette is committed to the environment, a more inclusive world, and a more festive world!


Harvest customer UGC for our webstories and product pages to increase reassurance and conversion rates.

Get all the ambassadors together and look at our top ambassadors and be able to select them for certain missions.

Have content for our social networks and newsletters.

- Engage our community throughout the buying process
- We'll be able to offer them missions
- They'll be able to discover content from other customers who've done missions on social media


In 1 month, they collected over 350 reviews (Google and Facebook).

In 1 year: 1.600 ambassadors, 5.300 missions, reach 254K views.

"We needed to collect customer UGC to have content that we could put everywhere on our platforms, in our webstories, high enough in the product pages to increase reassurance and boost the conversion rate. We've created missions that will enable our customers to send us content and earn points, which they can then use to access rewards."

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