
6 steps to create an unforgettable customer experience

Customer experience: 3 phases, 6 pillars, 4 stages. Learn how to optimize every moment of the customer journey to exceed expectations, create memorable moments, and turn every interaction into a genuine opportunity for lasting engagement and loyalty.
6 steps to create an unforgettable customer experience

The quality of customer reviews is the second most important criterion for a first purchase. (Industry report, Loyoly).

Creating a memorable customer experience is therefore essential to boosting your brand's growth and making a lasting impression.

From the first interaction to well after the purchase, every moment counts in building a solid relationship with your customers.

What is customer experience?

Customer experience is the overall perception a customer has of your brand, formed from every interaction, whether online or in-store, before, during and after the transaction.

It encompasses aspects such as the quality of customer service, ease of site navigation, clarity of information, and personalization of communications.

In short, it's everything that shapes the relationship between a brand and the consumer.

It's essential to understand that the customer experience is more than a series of interactions: it's the emotion aroused at each stage of the journey.

For example, a rapid, personalized response from customer support can transform a simple contact into an opportunity to build loyalty.

Similarly, smooth, effortless returns management leaves a positive impression that encourages repeat purchases.

Brands that succeed in delivering a memorable customer experience don't just meet customer expectations.

They exceed them.

By adding a personal touch, such as after-sales follow-up or relevant recommendations, you make the difference.

A good customer experience is a tangible benefit: it encourages customers to come back and share their opinions, reinforcing the brand's reputation as a matter of course.

The difference between customer experience and customer journey

Although often confused, customer experience (CX) and customer journey are two distinct but complementary concepts.

The customer journey refers to all the stages a customer goes through before, during and after a purchase.
This includes the search for information, the comparison of options, the transaction, and post-sales interactions.
The customer journey is therefore an overview of the points of contact a customer has with the brand.

The customer experience (CX), on the other hand, is the customer's perception of each of these stages.
It's an emotional evaluation that results from how the customer feels about interactions with the brand.
For example, two people may follow the same purchase path on an e-commerce site, but their experience may be radically different depending on the quality of services, the fluidity of navigation or the tone used in communications.

User experience (UX) is a subset of customer experience, but focuses specifically on the customer's interaction with a digital product, such as a website or app.
A good UX means that users can easily find what they're looking for, understand the information presented, and carry out actions without unnecessary obstacles.
UX strongly influences the customer experience, especially for companies operating online.

In short, the customer journey describes the “what” (the steps), while the customer experience describes the “how” (how it feels at each stage).
A winning strategy must not only map out a seamless customer journey, but also ensure a pleasant and memorable experience every step of the way.

When does the customer experience really begin?

The customer experience begins long before the customer makes his or her first transaction. It begins at the very first point of contact with the brand, whether through an advertisement, a recommendation from a friend, or a visit to your website.

It's at this point that the customer begins to form an opinion about the brand.

The customer experience begins with the first interaction and continues long after.

3 stages of the customer experience

The customer experience can be broken down into three phases: discovery, pre-purchase and post-purchase.

When well orchestrated, these phases maximize customer satisfaction, foster loyalty and stimulate your brand's growth.

Each of these phases has its own specific challenges when it comes to creating a memorable customer experience.

Discovery phase: the first impression that counts

The discovery phase is crucial, as it determines the customer's first impression of your brand.

Relevant information, fluid navigation and clear interactions are essential to creating a positive impression right from the start.

During this phase, it's important to answer questions quickly, offer easy navigation, and provide content tailored to meet needs.

These elements ensure that the customer remains engaged and curious to learn more about what you have to offer.

Pre-purchase phase: building trust before the transaction

During pre-purchase interactions, the quality of customer service responses, the tone used on social networks, and the personalization of advice have a direct influence on how the customer feels.

Creating a connection even before the transaction is completed is an excellent way to lay the foundations for a relationship of trust.

Offering proactive assistance, answering questions promptly, and providing personalized recommendations all help to show that you understand the customer's needs. These interactions create a positive first experience and build trust.

Anticipating issues and offering little touches during this phase, such as a personalized welcome message or special offer, can also help create a pleasant experience that stands out from the crowd.

Post-purchase phase: building loyalty and maximizing long-term value

The post-purchase phase is crucial to maximizing the customer's long-term value (LTV) and fostering loyalty.

Prompt delivery, a loyalty program, and responsive assistance in the event of a problem show that you're committed to customer satisfaction.

This attention to detail doesn't stop with delivery, it continues with appropriate follow-up.

Personalized communications to strengthen the relationship, a simple returns process and recommendations in line with customer preferences all help to reinforce this relationship.

Sending follow-up e-mails, suggesting complementary products, or simply checking customer satisfaction after the purchase shows that every customer is important to you.

Post-purchase engagement plays a key role in building loyalty.

By maintaining a privileged relationship, customers become more inclined to repeat purchases, thereby increasing their LTV.

Satisfied consumers are more likely to recommend the brand, reducing the cost of customer acquisition (CAC) through word-of-mouth.

By maximizing LTV while reducing CAC, you create a dynamic for profitable growth.

The 6 pillars of a memorable customer experience

To create an unforgettable customer experience, it's essential to focus on the fundamental aspects that make it unique.

Here are the six pillars that form the basis of a memorable customer experience:

1. Personalization

2. Integrity

3. Expectations

4. Resolution

5. Time and effort

6. Empathy

1. Meeting the specific needs of each customer

Personalization means tailoring every interaction to individual customer needs and preferences.

By using customer data intelligently, you can offer relevant recommendations, tailored offers and a case-by-case experience that show you understand and value your customers.

For example, by offering recommendations based on previous purchases or using the customer's first name in your communications, you ensure that every interaction is perceived as special and authentic.

Personalization shouldn't just be automation, but a way of strengthening the company-consumer relationship and creating unforgettable moments.

2. Building trust through honest interactions

Integrity is essential to establish a lasting relationship of trust between brand and customer.

This means keeping promises, being transparent about practices, and communicating sincerely.

Brands that cultivate genuine integrity show that they are committed to delivering on their promises, whether in terms of product quality, logistics or values.

Being transparent with customers - even when mistakes are made - shows a willingness to do the right thing and maintain a bond of trust.

This honesty is often more appreciated than a fake perfection, and transforms brand perception.

3. Exceed customer expectations

It's crucial to understand what your customers expect, and to ensure that you always meet or exceed those expectations.

Companies that succeed in going above and beyond create “wow” moments that delight customers and keep them coming back for more.

This can include things like faster-than-expected delivery, little touches like a surprise gift, or proactive support.

These initiatives show that you care about your customers and are willing to go the extra mile to deliver an exceptional experience.

Such behavior generates positive emotions that foster loyalty.

4. Optimize problem management

No brand is immune to mistakes, but it's how you solve problems that makes all the difference.

Responsive customer service that can turn a negative situation into an opportunity is essential for a good customer experience.

Offering quick solutions, fair compensation, and showing empathy when incidents occur are key to restoring trust.

Customers don't expect perfection, but a brand that takes responsibility and acts quickly to resolve problems demonstrates a genuine commitment to their satisfaction.

5. Make the experience as quick and easy as possible

Reducing the time and effort needed to get answers, make a transaction, or solve a problem is a key factor in customer satisfaction.

Customers appreciate simple, efficient processes that minimize friction.

For example, one-click checkout, 24/7 customer support and clear FAQs all contribute to a seamless experience.

The simpler the interaction, the more the customer feels taken care of, and the more likely they are to return.

By removing unnecessary obstacles, you make life easier for your customers and create a stress-free experience, which increases their level of satisfaction.

6. Show that you really understand your customers

Empathy is what makes customers feel understood, listened to and valued. It involves active listening, showing that you understand their challenges, and providing solutions that take their specific needs into account.

Empathetic customer service doesn't just solve a problem, it creates a real human connection that shows customers they're important.

For example, by adapting the tone of communication to suit the context, taking the time to really understand customers' concerns, or offering proactive help, you show that every customer is unique and deserves your attention.

By applying these six pillars to every interaction, a brand can not only improve the customer experience, but also create deep, meaningful relationships that lead to lasting loyalty.

4 steps to transform every interaction into an unforgettable customer experience

Every interaction with a customer is an opportunity to create a lasting, positive impression. To make these moments memorable, it's essential to adopt strategies that go beyond simple services.

Here are four fundamental steps to transform every interaction into a truly differentiating customer experience.

Mapping key moments in the customer journey

Key moments, also known as “moments of truth”, are those that have a decisive impact on the perception of your brand.

Mapping these moments helps you understand where to focus your efforts for maximum effect on the overall experience.

This can include critical touch points, such as the first visit to the site, pre-purchase assistance, or receipt of a product.

Some moments have a greater impact on the overall experience. Identify the ones that can create a lasting difference and focus your efforts on them.

Creating “wow” moments

Intelligent personalization is the key to exceeding customer expectations and creating “wow” moments that leave a lasting impression. By using customer data effectively, you can tailor your messages, offer relevant recommendations, and deliver unique experiences.

Use the information available on each customer to propose messages and offers that precisely meet their needs. Personalization shows customers that they are understood and valued.

An unexpected gesture, such as a handwritten thank-you message or a surprise on delivery, can turn an ordinary interaction into a memorable moment.

These small gestures make all the difference and generate loyalty.

Involving the whole company for a consistent experience

To make every interaction consistent, the whole company needs to be involved.

The customer experience and its vision must be shared by every department: from the marketing team to customer service and logistics.

This collective involvement ensures that the experience is seamless and consistent at every touchpoint, reinforcing the quality perceived by the customer.

All departments, whether sales, support or logistics, must share the same customer-centric vision.

Optimizing internal communication within the team helps maintain consistency at every point of contact.

Building trust through transparency

Transparency is an essential pillar in building trust. This means being honest about logistics and even mistakes that may occur.

When customers feel genuine transparency, they are more inclined to forgive imperfections and remain loyal to the brand.

Note that customers appreciate being informed, even when the news isn't perfect.

Announcing delivery delays, order management problems or acknowledging mistakes shows that you respect your customers and their time.

Providing a proactive solution can turn a negative situation into an opportunity to strengthen the relationship.

This honesty is often more appreciated than illusory perfection.

How can a memorable customer experience boost your brand's growth?

A well-designed customer experience is one of the most powerful engines for your brand's growth.

By creating memorable moments, you don't just satisfy customers, you build loyalty and encourage them to recommend your brand to others.

Let's find out how an exceptional customer experience can have a direct impact on growth.

The impact of emotions on brand growth

Emotions play a fundamental role in how customers perceive and interact with your brand.

When a customer has a positive experience, they develop an emotional connection that encourages them to return, buy more, and talk about their satisfaction to others.

Such a connection goes far beyond the simple rationality of products or services, and is based on feelings of trust, joy, or even surprise.

Elements of reassurance, such as customer testimonials or clear guarantees, help to allay concerns and reinforce trust.

This perceived security is a crucial emotional factor that encourages customers to choose your brand over another.

The more confident a customer feels, the more likely they are to commit and increase their long-term value (LTV).

A customer experience that generates positive emotions has a direct effect on loyalty. This feeling of recognition and care not only fosters brand attachment, but also recommendations, increasing growth through natural word-of-mouth.

Brands that succeed in generating strong emotions in a consumer often see an increase in purchase frequency.

For example, a marketing campaign that highlights values shared with customers creates an emotional bond that encourages buyers to choose the brand also for what it stands for.

This emotional approach leads customers to return more often, to buy more, and to become true ambassadors for your brand.

How do you measure customer experience?

To understand whether your customer experience efforts are bearing fruit, measure customer satisfaction and engagement on a regular basis.

The three most commonly used measurement indicators are NPS, CES and CSAT.

Used together, they offer a comprehensive view of the quality of the customer experience, enabling you to target your improvement efforts where they will be most effective.

What is NPS?

Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a customer experience evaluation method that assesses the likelihood of a customer recommending your brand to others.

NPS is calculated by asking customers: “On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend our company to a friend or colleague?”.

This simple question classifies consumers into three categories: promoters (scores 9-10), passives (scores 7-8), and detractors (scores 0-6).

The NPS gives an overall picture of customer satisfaction and loyalty. A high number means that your customers are satisfied and ready to recommend your brand.  

What is CES?

The Customer Effort Score (CES) measures the effort the customer had to make to perform a specific action, such as solving a problem or obtaining information.

The typical question is: “On a scale of 1 to 5, how easy was it for you to [action]?”.

The aim is to ensure that customers encounter as little friction as possible when interacting with the brand.

A low CES indicates that your customers find your processes simple and efficient. A high score, on the other hand, means that there are obstacles that detract from the experience.  

What does CSAT mean?

The Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT) directly measures customer satisfaction after a specific interaction, such as a transaction or contact with customer service.

Customers are usually asked to rate their satisfaction on a scale of 1 to 5 or 1 to 10.

CSAT helps you to evaluate your company's performance in specific situations, such as after delivery of a product or resolution of a query.

A high CSAT score shows that your customers were satisfied with their experience, while a low score indicates areas for improvement.

For more KPIs on customer loyalty

5 examples of brands that create magical moments throughout the customer journey

Some companies stand out for their ability to offer an exceptional customer experience at every stage of the journey, creating memorable moments that make all the difference. Here are 5 of them.

La Belle Boucle - an example of a successful omnichannel experience

La Belle Boucle has set up an effective omnichannel customer journey that provides customers with a seamless experience, whether online or in-store.

Customers can start their shopping journey on the site, get personalized advice via chat, then finalize their shopping in-store.

This continuity between channels shows that each point of contact is designed to simplify the customer journey.

What's more, La Belle Boucle offers impeccable after-sales service, with personalized follow-up and recommendations for product care, which boosts customer satisfaction and encourages them to remain loyal to the brand.

This omnichannel approach ensures that customers feel taken care of at every stage of their journey, contributing to a truly differentiating experience.

Pomponne with their advanced customer personalization

Pomponne, a natural cosmetics brand, places personalization at the heart of its customer experience.

Whether it's on the website, with a quiz to help customers find the products that match their skin type, or through personalized messages after each transaction, Pomponne makes every customer feel unique and understood.

The brand goes even further by sharing beauty tips and advice, strengthening the relationship with its customers.

By adding personal touches to every interaction, Pomponne succeeds in transforming the act of purchasing into a moment of well-being, creating a lasting emotional bond with its customers.

Nebuleuse for a seamless shopping experience

Nebuleuse, a brand specializing in jewelry such as piercings, earrings and earcuffs, stands out for its commitment to offering a smooth and pleasant shopping experience.

Payment is optimized thanks to a simplified checkout extension, enabling fast checkout. With the checkout extension, consumers who are members of the program can redeem their points and activate rewards directly in the shopping cart.

This approach ensures that customers can complete their orders efficiently and get the most out of their loyalty program. It encourages customers to return, remain loyal to the brand and become more involved in their loyalty program.

Sephora, innovation at the heart of the experience

Sephora is an example of a brand that has innovated to create a unique, personalized customer experience.

Thanks to their mobile app, Sephora allows customers to virtually test products, get personalized recommendations, and even track their purchase history in-store and online.

In-store, customers benefit from personalized assistance, with advisors using customer profile data to offer case-by-case recommendations.

This use of technology to enhance the experience creates a seamless continuity between the online and offline experience, and contributes to building long-term customer loyalty.

Starbucks, personalized moments with every interaction

Starbucks is renowned for its ability to create special moments through personalization and engagement with its customers.

From the famous use of first names on cups to the loyalty program offering personalized offers, Starbucks makes a point of making every customer feel special.

The Starbucks loyalty program enables customers to accumulate points and receive personalized rewards, reinforcing their commitment.

These brands show that by creating magical moments at every stage of the customer journey, it's possible to build customer loyalty, increase their long-term value, and differentiate themselves in a competitive market.

Whether through omnichannel, personalization, fluidity of the customer journey, or innovation, each of these brands has implemented a strategy that places the customer experience at the heart of its success.

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